You still have to find all of the Discoveries, Paints, Gold Bricks, Biomes, and everything else yourself. Keep in mind that entering this code only unlocks building bricks. All you have to do is spell out the word Bricks in all caps, replacing the letters "i" and "s" with the numbers "1" and "5" respectively.

Type the following cheat code into the text box that appears: Instead of starting the game, click on the Enter Code icon on the menu it's the fourth one from the left and it looks like. Once you've fnished the tutorial, navigate back to the main menu and load up your save. How to Enter the Cheat Code for LEGO Worlds Note that you must finish the tutorial - gather 10 Gold Bricks on the first 3 worlds - before entering the Bricks Code.

Lucky for PC players, however, there is a cheat code you can enter to unlock all of the bricks in the game and blast open the doors to your creative potential.